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Teaching the Bible: A Manual of Teaching Activities, Commentary and Blackline Masters

By | Copyright Year:2001 | ISBN-13: 9781876633325

This book has been written for classroom teachers. It provides teaching and learning materials for use in studying the Bible. In each chapter, a brief commentary in accessible language is provided. Teaching and learning ideas are then described that assist teachers to plan and implement a comprehensive program of biblical study. A special feature of this book is the copious provision of blackline masters on each topic. These can be reproduced for classroom use. This book offers classroom teachers a broad range of teaching ideas and materials to creatively enhance their biblical studies programs. These materials are suitable for use with primary and secondary school classes.


1. Bible lands
2. The Old Testament
3. Exodus and Covenant
4. Genesis 1-11
5. Prophets
6. Wisdom literature
7. The New Testament
8. New Testament times
9. The Gospels
10.Infancy Narratives
11.Miracle stories
13.Passion narratives
15.Woman in the Bible
16.Biblical archaeology
17.Using computers


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