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Chem 3 NCEA Level 3 Teacher Resource CD

By | Copyright Year:2014 | ISBN-13: 9780170352932

This teacher resource supports the Chem3 student book for NCEA Level 3 Chemistry.

The full-colour Chem 3 Teacher’s Resource contains complete suggested answers for all questions overlaid on the actual pages of the workbook, and answer grids for the NCEA practice assessments.

Also included is a full Technician Guide listing chemicals and gear for each of the investigations and experiments in the workbook.


Deborah Hay is in her seventh year of teaching Science and Chemistry at a range of schools across Auckland. She is currently Teacher in Charge of Chemistry at Orewa College, where she is keen to pursue their BYOD scheme into Chemistry classes in 2015. She has a passion for her subject and is always keen to present it in new and exciting ways to engage students. This includes using ICT with her classes and using unusual facts to help students remember tricky concepts, you can follow her on twitter @hay_oc.


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By | ISBN-13: 9780170352611
CHEM 3 is an up-to-date, comprehensive workbook designed to assist students to perform at their best in NCEA Level 3 Chemistry. The workbook provides full theory, practical work and exam questions for each external standard, along with brief outlines and important notes for every internal standard, allowing students to work at their own pace to meet the requirements of the standards. Also included are Nature of Science and literacy tasks, and fully worked examples so students can see how to work to an excellence level. To help students prepare for their external examinations there are a number of Examiner’s Tips and a full practice assessment for each paper.
$29.05 Available