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Science Basics Book 2: Teacher Book and CD

By | Copyright Year:2005 | ISBN-13: 9781869465421

The student book is supported by a comprehensive Teachers Book & CD which includes full teaching notes for each unit, ideas for extension work, topic tests along NCEA lines (to familiarise students with the style), answers to all questions, a set of worksheets, and a comprehensive range of practicals provided as photocopy masters. Teachers are provided with a choice of investigative approach in each topic where possible - some investigations lend themselves to student planning and carrying out, while others follow the traditional recipe format.


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By | ISBN-13: 9780170950619
Science Basics is an affordable New Zealand Science course specifically written for Years 9 and 10. Student write-on texts build up a complete set of notes and practical activities reinforce key ideas. The easy-to-read text is highly illustrated. Full notes for teachers are contained in the teachers’ books while practical work and ready-to-use tests in NCEA format are found on the CDs.
$14.50 Available