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A Community Cares and Shares - 9780170368988

A Community Cares and Shares

Diana Noonan


ISBN-13: 9780170368988
Published: 16/11/2015
Available Stock: 167


A community is a group of people who live in the same area, or a group of people who have something in common. People in a community work together to make everyone feel safe and welcome.
Find out about all the different kinds of activities that communities do.

PM Emerald levelled books and Guided Reading Card Box Set provide teachers with the confidence of meticulous PM levelling for accurately paced literacy skill development

The series provides liberal, inferential and applied knowledge questions in each book and on each card

Exemplary fiction and non-fiction texts are included in the series for reading breadth

Representations of all the standard text types are explored, as well as plays

Books and Cards in this set have a contemporary design and age-appropriate content to engage students

Includes resources to support implementation of the Australian Curriculum.

Packs with this item

PM Emerald Guided Readers Level 25 Pack x 10

ISBN: 9780170363761
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