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Lizards - 9780170354431


Annette Smith


ISBN-13: 9780170354431
Published: 02/01/2015
Available Stock: 275


The PM Story Books from Purple level feature a range of different activities and sports that attract children at this age.
Lizards are reptiles that are found in many places around the world. Lizards have special ways of catching their food and staying safe from other animals.

Skills such as the ability to break spoken and written words into syllables, respond to diagraphs and blends, decode grapho-phonic cues, identify silent letters, notice common prefixes and read common suffixes can be practised at Purple level.

This level also offers readers plenty of opportunities to work with common orthographic patterns such as catch and stitch.

Students will have encountered most of the high-frequency words in the English language by the end of Purple level.

Packs with this item

PM Purple Guided Readers Level 20 Pack x 10

ISBN: 9780170353175
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