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Access to History: Elizabeth I: Meeting the Challenge England 1541-1603 - 9780340965931

Access to History: Elizabeth I: Meeting the Challenge England 1541-1603

John Warren


ISBN-13: 9780340965931
Published: 31/10/2008
Available Stock: 0


This is a new edition of 'Elizabeth I: Religion and Foreign Affairs', which has been comprehensively revised and updated to meet the 2008 AS and A2 specifications for OCR and AQA. This title sets the scene from 1541, charting the developments of the Mid-Tudor crisis from Henry VIII to Mary I. It then goes on to analyse the succession of Elizabeth and her consolidation of power, examining the political, religious and military internal and external threats to her rule. The problems during her final years are also explored and this title concludes by looking at key themes and interpretations across the period.

Throughout the book, key dates, terms and issues are highlighted, and historical interpretations of key debates are outlined. Summary diagrams are included to consolidate knowledge and understanding of the period, and exam-style questions and tips written by examiners for the OCR and AQA specification provide the opportunity to develop exam skills.


Chapter 1 -Meeting the Challenge: The Legacy of a Mid-Tudor Crisis?
1 The Mid-Tudor Crisis: Definitions
2 Making the Traditional Case for a Mid-Tudor Crisis
3 Making the Case Against a Mid-Tudor Crisis
4 The Reign of Edward VI 1547-53: The Revisionist View
5 The Reign of Mary I 1553-8: The Revisionist View
6 Conclusion
Study Guide

Chapter 2 -Meeting the Challenge of Religion: The Elizabethan Religious Settlement
1 The Relgigious Beliefs of Elizabeth I
2 Supremacy and Uniformity: The First Moves
3 Supremacy and Uniformity: The Parliament of 1559
4 Historical Interpretations of the Factors Shaping the Settlement
5 The Settlement in Action
6 Archbishop Parker and the Vestiarian Controversy
7 Elizabeth as Supreme Governor of the Church of England
8 Conclusion: The Elizabethan Religious Settlement
Study Guide

Chapter 3 -Meeting the Challenge of Relgion: Elizabeth and the Puritans
1 Introduction
2 Puritanism and Presbyteriansim in the 1570's
3 The Tragedy of Grindal
4 Presbyteriansim in the 1580's
5 The Puritans Under Attack 1589-1603
6 Conclusion: Elizabeth and the Puritans
Study Guide

Chapter 4 -Meeting the Challenge of Religion: Elizabeth and the Catholics
1 1559-68: The Government Treads with Caution?
2 The Attitude of the Pope
3 The Revolt of the Northern Ears (or 'Northern Rebellion') 1569
4 Papal Excommunication 1570
5 The Arrival of the Missionary Priests
6 The Missionary Priests and the Threat of Invasion from Spain
7 Key Debate: The Strength of Catholicism
8 Conclusion: Elizabeth and the Catholics
Study Guide

Chapter 5 -Meeting the Challenge of Foreign Affairs: Elizabeth, France and Spain
1 Aims and Objectives in Foreign Policy
2 Assumptions on Foreign Policy
3 Foreign Affairs: France
4 Foreign Affairs: Spain
5 Conclusion: Elizabeht, France and Spain
Study Guide

Chapter 6 -Meeting the Challenge of Foreign Affairs: Elizabeth, Ireland and Scotland
1 Irish Society and England in the Sixteenth Century
2 Elizabeth and Ireland: Problems and Possible Solutions
3 Elizabeth and Scotland
Study Guide

Chapter 7 -Meeting the Challenge of Government 1558-88
1 The Role of Nobility, Court, Privy Council and Ministers
2 The Role of Parliament
3 The Financial Policies of the Crown
4 Conclusion: Meeting the Challenge of Government
Study Guide

Chapter 8 - Meeting the Challenge: The Final Years 1589-1603
1 Factions and Court: The Essex Rebellion
2 Social and Economic Distress in the 1590's
3 England, Scotland and the Succession
4 Summary: The Final Years. The Tarnished Image of Gloriana?
5 Conclusion
Study Guide

Further Reading