The third edition of this best-selling title has been revised to reflect the needs of the current specifications. It has been aimed specifically at AS level students through providing the right amount of depth and accessibility for this level and encouraging the development of AS skills through the study guides. The book provides a full coverage of Henry VII's reign and examines how he established his dynasty and consolidated his power through his foreign and domestic policies. Throughout the book, key dates, terms and issues are highlighted, and historical interpretations of key debates are outlined. Summary diagrams are included to consolidate knowledge and understanding of the period, and exam style questions and tips for each examination board provide the opportunity to develop exam skills.
Chapter 1 Ending the Wars of the Roses: The Rise of Henry Tudor and the Fall of Richard III
1 The Wars of the Roses
2 The Usurpation of Richard III
3 Challenges to Richard’s Rule: Buckingham’s Rebellion
4 Politics and Government in the Reign of Richard III
5 Richard III's Overthrow
6 Henry Tudor's Claim to the Throne
7 The Battle of Bosworth: Henry becomes King
Study Guide
Chapter 2 Securing the Throne: Threats to the Dynasty
1 Aims and character of the new King
2 The Search for Security
3 Challenges to Henry's Rule: Pretenders and Protest
4 Lambert Simnel, 1486–7
5 Perkin Warbeck, 1491–9
6 Further Yorkist Threats, 1499–1506
7 The Key Debate
Study Guide
Chapter 3 Safeguarding the Monarchy:Nobility and the Church
1 The Nobility
2 Retaining
3 The Church
Study Guide
Chapter 4 Establishing ‘Good Governance’: Government and Administration
1 Central Government
2 Regional Government
3 Local Government
4 Parliament
5 The Key Debate
Study Guide
Chapter 5 Seeking Solvency: Henry’s Financial Policy
1 Henry’s Financial Aims
2 Financial Administration
3 The Financial resources of the Crown
4 The Key Debate
Study Guide
Chapter 6 Stabilising the Economy: Economic Policy and Change
1 Rural Society and Enclosure
2 Urban Society: Towns and Merchants
3 Industry
4 Trade
5 Exploration
Study Guide
Chapter 7 Diplomacy and Alliance: Henry’s Foreign Policy
1 Europe in 1485
2 1485–92: Developing Diplomacy
3 1493–1502: Successful Diplomacy
4 1503–9: Changing Diplomacy
5 The Key Debate
Study Guide
Chapter 8 Henry's Legacy: History's Verdict on Henry VII
1 History’s Treatment of Henry VII
2 The Key Debate
3 Henry’s Legacy: Did He Achieve His Aims?
Further Reading
Roger Turvey and Nigel Heard are experienced A Level History authors, specialising in the Tudor period.
Now with revised and updated study guides for the 2008 specifications. Written by examiners to provide support with assessment and exam skills .
Redesigned and refocused content to allow greater accessibility to a wide range of AS students.
New features such as definitions, key questions and summaries to aid learning.