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Geography Skills for NCEA Level 1 - 9780170368155

Geography Skills for NCEA Level 1

Justin Peat


ISBN-13: 9780170368155
Published: 06/08/2015
Available Stock: 1492


Geography Skills for NCEA Level One is a New Zealand write-on textbook for students engaged in programmes of learning that develop geographic skills. For Students preparing for NCEA Level One Geography, the text provides a concise but authoritative introduction to the basic geographical skills required for success in the skills-based external standard and research-based internal standard.

Features of this workbook include:
- A comprehensive skills bank that provides students with clear and concise explanations of the key geographical skills listed in the Teaching and Learning guide for NCEA Geography
- Guidance on the interpretation of geographical resources including: maps, photographs, diagrams, cartoons, images, statistics, keys, graphs, models and surveys
- Contemporary learning activities to reinforce key concepts and skills
- Step-by-step instructions for the construction of geographic resources including: sketch and precis maps, diagrams, models, field sketches and graphs
- Numerous large and up-to-date topographical maps, satellite images and photographs
- Selected answers at the back of the book

Geography Concepts and Skills

Map Interpretation and Construction
1. Map symbols
2. Locating places: direction and bearing
3. Locating places: six-figure grid references
4. Locating places: latitude and longitude
5. Using scale: calculating distance
6. Using scale: estimating area
7. Showing and interpreting relief
8. Precis map construction
9. Other types of maps

Graph Interpretation and Construction
10. Bar graphs (single and multiple)
11. Line graphs (single and multiple)
12. Pie graphs and percentage bar graphs
13. Scatter graphs
14. Pictographs
15. Climate graphs
16. Population pyramids

Visual Image Interpretation
17. Photograph interpretation
18. Precis sketches
19. Cartoon interpretation
20. Annotating maps and diagrams

Geographic Models
21. Hazard risk model
22. The wind rose
23. Demographic transition model
24. Lee’s migration model

Fieldwork and Social Skills
25. Interpreting and completing a continuum to show value positions
26. Conducting questionnaire surveys
27. Field sketches

Putting It All Together
28. Unit 1: Rotorua relief and recreation
Unit 2: A ‘Supercity’s’ blueprint for growth


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