Introduction for teachers
Introduction for students
Section One: Narrative Prose
1 ‘Tending the Books’ from The Thirteenth Tale
2 We’re Only Joking
3 from All We Shall Know
4 from Motueka Tobacco Farm, 1962
5 Aging Backwards
6 Recognition
Section Two: Poetry
1 The Trees
2 Anytime is Wrong Time and so is In-Between Time
3 Pussy Cat
4 Makara Beach, Spring
5 Advice to a Discarded Lover
6 And if it snowed
Section Three: Non-fiction
1 We don’t need our community to be grateful, we need them to be okay
2 Assured, authentic Jacinda Ardern impresses overseas
3 Ditching plastic bags – just do it already
4 an abridged speech delivered by Maggie Rainey-Smith
5 an abridged introduction to Once While Travelling
6 Some Thoughts on Friendship