He Pa Auroa is a Maori-English, English-Maori dictionary specially compiled for Maori language students.
The title picks up on the theme of Te la Reo – the flow of language from the source to the sea. A pa auroa is a system of fences set in the river’s flow to guide migrating eels into traps. Similarly, perhaps, this reference book will guide elements of the language to the questing learner.
Maori-English Dictionary
English-Maori Dictionary
Words in Thematic Lists
1. People
2. Feelings and emotions
3. Parts of the body
4. Time, seasons and the calendar
5. Location
6. Countries of the world
7. Cities of the world
8. Geographical features
9. Weather
10. Measurement
11. Shapes
12. House and garden
13. Computers
14. Food
15. In the country
16. In town
17. Education
18. Transport
19. Work
20. Leisure, sport and pastimes
21. Clothing
22. Health
Guide to Grammar and Structures
- Pronouns
- About “of” in Maori
- Possessive Pronouns
- Indicating the Action
- Neuter Verbs
- Saying “No”
- Questions, Questions
- Word Building
Ian Cormack (Ngäti Mamoe, Ngäi Tahu) draws on decades of experience as a teacher, writer, editor and translator of Mäori for the design of this series. As an adult he has also learned Greek, Italian, German, French, Mandarin and Russian, as well as Mäori. His own learning has put him totally in tune with the needs of other language learners. He is a Mäori Language Commission-qualified interpreter and translator of Mäori.
A bilingual word finder with meanings of over 1250 words and expressions
Explanations and tables of grammatical word families such as pronouns and tense indicators
Sets of useful words grouped under themes such as feelings and emotions, computers, house and garden
Explanations about the building blocks of the language, how new words are created and how students can extend their vocabulary by using prefixes and suffixes.