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Te Pukaki: Student Workbook - 9780170950398

Te Pukaki: Student Workbook

Ian Cormack, Shirley Cormack


ISBN-13: 9780170950398
Published: 15/05/1996
Available Stock: 385


Te la Reo (The Current of Language) is a lively new course for learning and teaching Maori. It is the first Maori language course to be developed using a full range of modern approaches to language teaching. There are five levels and each level consists of three basic resources – a student textbook, a student workbook and a teacher’s guide. Supplementary resources include audiotapes, photocopy masters, readers and videotapes. Te la Reo is written primarily for secondary school students, but it can be used equally well in senior primary school classes, in tertiary institutions and with adult students.

The second level Te Pukaki (The Stream) assumes that the student is confident with the language and structures of the first level Te Matapuna. It is built on a gradual step by step approach to learning the language.

Ian Cormack (Ngäti Mamoe, Ngäi Tahu) draws on decades of experience as a teacher, writer, editor and translator of Mäori for the design of this series. As an adult he has also learned Greek, Italian, German, French, Mandarin and Russian, as well as Mäori. His own learning has put him totally in tune with the needs of other language learners. He is a Mäori Language Commission-qualified interpreter and translator of Mäori.