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The Tauiwi: The Later Immigrants

By | Copyright Year:2010 | ISBN-13: 9780170182256

Later waves of immigrants came to settle in New Zealand in the 19th and 20th centuries. Many came here from societies where life was often harsh, especially for the poor and landless. They wanted to better themselves and they wanted to own land.

Settler groups came from places like China, India, Dalmatia, Bohemia, Holland, Scandinavia and the Pacific. But most were from Britain. The social organisation they brought was very different to the ways of the tangata whenua – the people already here.

To distinguish them from the tangata whenua these later immigrants are known as the Tauiwi – the settler groups of the 19th and 20th centuries. The impact they have had on New Zealand has been far-reaching.


1. To Better Themselves
2. Tabling and Graphing Tauiwi
3. Immigrants from Britain
4. Getting Organised
5. A Voyage of Luck
6. Change in Housing
7. Finding a Job
8. The Land Gave Them Sheep Runs
9. The Land Gave Them Gold
10. Changing Family Fortunes
11. But They’re Different To Us
12. Looking at Cartoons
13. The Land Gave Them Kauri Gum
14. You Are a Gum-Digger
15. Immigrants from Dalmatia
16. Pioneering Females
17. Women Win the Vote
18. Hard Work and Worry
19. Long Journeys to New Land
20. Bush Settlers
21. The Prize Was Land of Their Own
22. From the Netherlands
23. Refugee Immigrants
24. Pacific Island Immigrants
25. Later Asian Immigrants
26. Impact of Tauiwi
27. Enquiry About Early Tauiwi in Your Local Area


Ruth Naumann is an experienced Social Studies teacher and the author of numerous social studies publications.


New, full colour design.

Many units have been extended to include new content.

New photographs, illustrations, diagrams and maps.

New student activities, many of which encourage students to research on the internet making them suitable for simple overnight homework activities.


Available Stock90
By | ISBN-13: 9780170182249
Te Ao O Te Maori looks at the first New Zealanders who came in canoes from an ancestral home somewhere in the Pacific called Hawaiki. With their oral traditions and their closeness to their ancestors they can be called ‘Nga Tamariki a Maui’ – the children of Maui. New Zealand was very different to Hawaiki. In New Zealand nga tamariki a Maui had to make many social changes. They had to work out a partnership with the land which gave them everything they needed to survive. They came to be the tangata whenua – the people of the land.
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