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Walker Maths Essentials Algebra 4+ Equations and Expressions

By | Copyright Year:2020 | ISBN-13: 9780170447416

Walker Maths Essentials are a series of workbooks for teachers to build courses appropriated to their students. In this way, students get resources pitched at the right level to support their individual learning as they strengthen their skills in a particular strand. Each strand is supported by a set of 3 or 4 workbooks graded by curriculum level.

The well-designed, write-on workbooks contain teaching material, worked examples, carefully graded practice exercises, puzzles and challenges for those needing extension. Two comprehensive “test yourself” quizzes are provided at the end of each book.

We have taken all your favourite elements of the Senior Walker Maths series and incorporated them in to Walker Maths Essentials.

Digital Teacher Resources are available across all Walker Maths Essentials titles for teachers that adopt the corresponding workbooks. Each digital resource includes a Walker Maths Essentials e-book/projection file and Answer e-book. Please contact your Sales Representative for more details



Working with integers
Order of operations

The language of algebra
From words to expressions
Finding the value of a symbol
Phrases to expressions

Challenge 1

More about variables

Simplifying expressions
Putting it together
Like terms
Adding and subtracting
Mixing it up
Find the errors

Multiplying powers
Dividing powers
Find the errors
Powers of powers
Mixing it up
Find the errors

Challenge 2


Challenge 3

Find the errors

Challenge 4

Formulae and substitution
With one variable

Removeable section in centre of book. Pull out and cut up.

Challenge 5

Challenge 6

Understanding instructions in algebra

Solving linear equations
One-step equations – adding and subtracting
One-step equations – multiplying and dividing
Mixing it up
Find the errors
Mixing it up
Forming then solving linear equations

Challenge 7

Two-step equations
Find the errors
Forming then solving two-step linear equations

Challenge 8

With variables on both sides
Find the errors
With brackets
Find the errors
Mixing it up

Challenge 9

Understanding instructions in algebra

Revision 1
Revision 2



Charlotte Walker BEd, GradDipTchLn, MHealSc.Charlotte has over 10 years' experience in teaching Mathematics.

Victoria Walker BSc (Hons), GradDipTchLn. Victoria has twenty years' experience in teaching Mathematics. She has received a Jim Campbell award for teaching excellence (2003) and an Ernest Duncan award in Mathematics (2007).


Available Stock1573
By | ISBN-13: 9780170447454
Walker Maths Essentials are a series of workbooks for teachers to build courses appropriated to their students. In this way, students get resources pitched at the right level to support their individual learning as they strengthen their skills in a particular strand. Each strand is supported by a set of 3 or 4 workbooks graded by curriculum level. The well-designed, write-on workbooks contain teaching material, worked examples, carefully graded practice exercises, puzzles and challenges for those needing extension. Two comprehensive “test yourself” quizzes are provided at the end of each book. We have taken all your favourite elements of the Senior Walker Maths series and incorporated them in to Walker Maths Essentials. Digital Teacher Resources are available across all Walker Maths Essentials titles for teachers that adopt the corresponding workbooks. Each digital resource includes a Walker Maths Essentials e-book/projection file and Answer e-book. Please contact your Sales Representative for more details.
$8.14 Available
By | ISBN-13: 9780170447096
Walker Maths Essentials are a series of workbooks for teachers to build courses appropriated to their students. In this way, students get resources pitched at the right level to support their individual learning as they strengthen their skills in a particular strand. Each strand is supported by a set of 3 or 4 workbooks graded by curriculum level. The well-designed, write-on workbooks contain teaching material, worked examples, carefully graded practice exercises, puzzles and challenges for those needing extension. Two comprehensive “test yourself” quizzes are provided at the end of each book. We have taken all your favourite elements of the Senior Walker Maths series and incorporated them in to Walker Maths Essentials. Digital Teacher Resources are available across all Walker Maths Essentials titles for teachers that adopt the corresponding workbooks. Each digital resource includes a Walker Maths Essentials e-book/projection file and Answer e-book. Please contact your Sales Representative for more details.
$8.14 Available