In the fourth edition of this well-established resource, Woodworking has been comprehensively updated to reflect current industry tools and practices. It features up-to-date information on Work Health and Safety, the timber industry, machines, power tools, as well as environmental and societal impacts of the timber industry. Woodworking covers Stages 4 and 5 of the Industrial Technology (Timber) syllabus, but is also an ideal resource for Stage 6 students studying Industrial Technology (Timber). Information is presented in a logical sequence so the depth of study can be adjusted to suit the level and stage of individual students.
NelsonNet resources available*
Teacher Resources:
• Project sheets
• Chapter PDFs
• Teaching program
• Weblinks
Student Resources:
• Project sheets
• Weblinks
*Complimentary access to NelsonNet is available to teachers who use the accompanying student book as a core resource in their classroom. Contact your local education consultant for access codes and conditions.
Michael Leadbeatter has taught woodwork at NSW secondary schools and at Sydney University. He is currently dean of technological and
applied studies at Sydney’s Trinity Grammar School, where he has created a reputation for guiding and mentoring students’ woodworking and
design skills. In addition, Michael has previously been a member of the NSW Board of Studies Curriculum Committee as an advisor on industrial technology and design and technology syllabus development.
A refreshed, full-colour design.
New diagrams and up-to-date information on Work Health and Safety, the timber industry and power tools.
Accessible and engaging content.
Complemented by a teacher website featuring curriculum grids, teaching program, weblinks and all-new project sheets.