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Chem 2 NCEA Level 2 Workbook - 9780170260107

Chem 2 NCEA Level 2 Workbook

Deborah Hay


ISBN-13: 9780170260107
Published: 26/09/2013
Available Stock: 365


Chem 2 summarises all of NCEA Level 2 Chemistry. It includes full theory, practical work and exam questions for each external standard and brief outlines with important notes for each internal standard. Chem 2 also includes fully worked examples so students can see how to work to an Excellence level, whilst also including Nature of Science literacy tasks. Finally, to help students prepare for their external examinations, there is a practice assessment of each standard with a Grade Score Marking schedule.

1 Demonstrate understanding of bonding, structure, properties and energy changes

Learning outcomes
Pre-test – What do you know?
Atomic structure
Electron arrangements
Ionic bonding – putting ions together
Metallic bonding
Covalent bonding
Shapes of molecules
Polar or non-polar
Shape and polarity
Properties of ionic solids
Properties of metallic solids
Properties of molecular solids
Properties of covalent
network solids
Exothermic and endothermic reactions
Bond enthalpies
Exam-type questions

2 Demonstrate understanding of the properties of
selected organic compounds

Learning outcomes
Pre-test – What do you know?
What is organic chemistry?
Why is carbon so special?
Naming organic compounds
Empirical and molecular formula
Geometric isomers
Carboxylic acids
Exam-type questions

3 Demonstrate understanding of chemical reactivity

Learning outcomes
Pre-test – What do you know?
Rates of reaction
Reversible reactions
The equilibrium constant, Kc
Changes to equilibria
Le Chatelier’s principle
Changing concentration
Changing pressure
Changing temperature
Calculations involving Kc
Acids and bases
What is pH?
Acid calculations
Base pH calculations
Acid base explanations
Exam-type questions

Internal Standard review

2.1 Carry out quantitative analysis
2.2 Carry out procedures to identify ions in solution
2.3 Demonstrate understanding of the chemistry used in the development of a current technology
2.7 Demonstrate understanding of oxidation-reduction

Practice assessment section

91164 Demonstrate understanding of bonding, structure, properties and energy changes
91165 Demonstrate understanding of the properties of selected organic compounds
91166 Demonstrate understanding of chemical reactivity

Glossary of terms