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PM Turquoise Guided Reading Cards Level 17-18 X 20 with USB - 9780170421133

PM Turquoise Guided Reading Cards Level 17-18 X 20 with USB

By | Copyright Year:2015 | ISBN-13: 9780170421133

The Guided Reading Box Set contains 20 4-page cards, with 6 copies of each card. Digital versions of each card are provided on the included USB for use on computers and interactive whiteboards.

PM Turquoise level secures students’ recognition of many irregular high-frequency words that were introduced in Green and Orange levels, including believe and through. This level is useful for the mastery of simple elisions (let’s, who’s). It also introduces important themes, such as kindness and bullying.

Each book contains a thematic link to a Guided Reading Card of the same level to reinforce and extend understandings of themes learned.

The Guided Reading Cards included in the Box Set are:

Level 17:
The Children's Art Show
From Sunset to Sunshine
Lost in the City
Recycling Fun!
Little Dog Lost
Bike Safety
How to Make Bird Callers
A Home Under the Ground
Pet Hotels

Level 18:
Island Surprise
A Big Morning
Bringing the Cows In
Our Air Show
A Xylophone
The Unhappy Princess
How to Take a Good Photo
Why Kiwi Can't Fly
What Was That?


Available Stock170
By | ISBN-13: 9780170420501
The Guided Reading Box Set contains 20 4-page cards, with 6 copies of each card. Digital versions of each card are provided on the included USB for use on computers and interactive whiteboards. Each book contains a thematic link to a Guided Reading Card of the same level to reinforce and extend understandings of themes learned. The Guided Reading Cards included in the Box Set are: Level 15: The Butterfly House Oliver Tiny Turtle Diasppears Small Animals at a Creek The New Tractor Birthday Pizzas! The Scooter Champ Liam's Tooth Polo's Big Day Parking the New Car Level 16: A Junior Lifeguard The Kart Race Playground Bridges Rusty and the Rabbit Sobo's Japanese Dinner The Best Kite Fun at Swimming Pools The Music Teacher How to Make a Wind Chime The Sleepover Camp
$427.27 Available
By | ISBN-13: 9780170421386
The Guided Reading Box Set contains 20 4-page cards, with 6 copies of each card. Digital versions of each card are provided on the included CD for use on computers and interactive whiteboards. Each book contains a thematic link to a Guided Reading Card of the same level to reinforce and extend understandings of themes learned. The Guided Reading Cards included in the Box Set are: Level 19: My Best Friend Sports Day Rock Art at Ubirr The Vanilla Festival Visiting a Big City The Lucky Seat Moonlight's New Shoes Night Noises Millie What a Catch! Level 20: Snow Machines Little Buffalo Hunter Schools of the Goldfields Trapped! How to Make and Play Castanets Sunhats for Everyone Animals of the World The Frilled Lizard Gardening with Dad Making Masks for a Parade
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By | ISBN-13: 9780170421393
$427.27 Available