Psychology: an Introduction for New Zealand Students covers the five strands of psychology as taught in senior Psychology classes in New Zealand secondary schools:
- Approaches
- Issues
- Method
- Inquiry Fields.
This is an introductory level textbook that includes theories and explanations with real-life New Zealand examples of psychology in action. It is suitable for both new and experienced psychology teachers. It can supplement existing psychology courses at NCEA Level 1 and 2, or be the basis for new courses established by first time teachers.
Also included is a range of questions, activities and possible inquiries aimed at equipping students with the skills to complete NCEA psychology standards.
How to use this textbook
What is psychology?
They teach psychology in school these days
Career paths in psychology: where can it take you?
2.1 Approaches in the study of psychology
2.2 Behavioural psychology
2.3 Psychodynamic psychology
2.4 Humanistic psychology
2.5 Biological psychology
2.6 Cognitive psychology
3.1 Ethical issues in psychology
4.1 Research methods
4.2 Issues with research methods
4.3 Experiments
4.4 Observation
4.5 Surveys
4.6 Case studies
6.1 Fields of psychology
6.2 Sports psychology
6.3 Health psychology
6.4 Industrial and organisational psychology
6.5 Forensic psychology