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Science Plus Book 2, Year 10 - 9780170182225

Science Plus Book 2, Year 10

David Blaker


ISBN-13: 9780170182225
Published: 04/06/2010
Available Stock: 581


SciencePLUS is a comprehensive and engaging resource for the changing needs of New Zealand secondary school science.

SciencePLUS is a complete science course for the New Zealand curriculum.

It has one textbook and a supporting CD for Year 9, and one for Year 10.

It includes a comprehensive teacher’s CD at each level.


1.1 How science works
1.2 A fair trial
1.3 Being practical
1.4 Research assignments

Genetics and evolution
2.1 No two alike
2.2 DNA
2.3 Copying
2.4 Cells and dividing
2.5 Blue eyes, brown eyes
2.6 Mutations
2.7 Evolution evidence
2.8 How evolution works
2.9 New species
2.10 Gene technology
2.11 The human race
2.12 Who lives here?
2.13 Chains and webs
2.14 Pyramids of life
2.15 Chemicals on the move
2.16 Balancing act
2.17 Possums and poisons
2.18 Bees at work
2.19 Biofuels and orangutans
2.20 Conservation
2.21 Bacteria
2.22 Fungi
2.23 Antibiotics
Human biology
2.24 Food and guts
2.25 Body balance
2.26 Diabetes
2.27 The immune system
2.28 Drugs in sport

Acids and bases
3.1 Corrosive chemicals
3.2 Chemical rainbows
3.3 Salts
3.4 Heat and speed
3.5 Surface and speed
3.6 Making indicators
3.7 Meet the metals
3.8 Metals and acids
3.9 The reactivity series
3.10 Rust never sleeps
3.11 Making electricity
3.12 Mining
Carbon chemistry
3.13 Team carbon
3.14 Plastic fantastic
3.15 Carbohydrates and lipids
3.16 Detergents and soaps
3.17 Drugs: good, bad and ugly
3.18 Recycling chemicals
3.19 Chemical formulae and names
3.20 Equations and balancing

On the move
4.1 Plotting data
4.2 Need for speed
4.3 Graph shapes
4.4 Ticker timers and acceleration
4.5 Force types
4.6 Using force
4.7 Forces at work
4.8 It’s the law
4.9 Power
4.10 Flight
4.11 Go with the flow
4.12 All charged up
4.13 Circuits and symbols
4.14 Moving charges
4.15 Voltage
4.16 Power and money
4.17 Magnetic fields
4.18 Making magnets
4.19 Electromagnets
4.20 Electric motors

New Zealand landforms
5.1 Moving continents
5.2 Zealandia
5.3 Caught in the crunch
5.4 Recycle rock
5.5 Taupo Volcanic Zone
5.6 Hotspots
5.7 Folds and faults
5.8 Ice
5.9 Rivers and sea coast
5.10 Layers of history
5.11 Recycled water
5.12 Timekeepers
Beyond the solar system
5.13 Galaxies and nebulae
5.14 Constellations
5.15 The Big Bang
5.16 Birth, life and death of stars
5.17 Black holes and neutron stars
5.18 Galileo
5.19 SETI
5.20 The night sky

Periodic table of the elements


Highly visual; abundant illustrations, full colour throughout

Structured in double page units, each providing two or three lessons for an average class

Carefully constructed learning sequence

Key-competency tasks identified in each unit

Almost every unit has one ‘Hands-on’ (practical experiment)

Every unit has end-of-topic review questions

Each student book includes a CD containing a glossary of scientific terms, interactive tasks and internet links.

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Science Plus Book 1, Year 9

ISBN: 9780170182218
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