Science Workbook 2 is designed for New Zealand students in Year 10. It is based on the 2010 Science Curriculum and supports all the science strands, including ‘The Nature of Science’ strand which is integrated into many tasks and activities.
It is packed with remembering, understanding, applying, judging and imagining activities ranging from easy to difficult. Some tasks may take less than 10 minutes, others more than 20 minutes. Some harder and open-ended tasks are designated 'challenge'. Workbook 2 contains 142 tasks.
Science Workbook 2 can be used as a classroom resource but also works well as a stand-alone homework book, helping teachers to quickly and effectively set useful homework. However it is best teamed with the SciencePLUS textbook.
1 Questions
2 Science methods
3 A fair trial?
4 Big words
5 Fact or what?
6 Certain or not?
7 Quality of evidence
Life Science
1 No two alike
2 Code breaking
4 Cells dividing
5 Mitosis and meiosis
6 Genetics crossword
7 Word meanings
8 Labrador colours
9 Family genes
10 Genetics puzzle
11 Mutations
12 More mutations
13 Evolution basics
14 Natural selection
15 New species
16 Trees not ladders
17 Gene hunters
18 Ancestors
19 Out of Africa
20 Into the Pacific
21 Catching bugs
22 Ecology
23 Communities
24 Food webs
25 Special niche
26 Community overview
27 Energy in food chains
28 Carbon cycle
29 Biological control
30 Nuts to you
31 Bacteria
32 Bacterial reproduction
33 Microbes
34 False!
35 Fungi
36 Compare and contrast
37 Antibiotics
38 What am I?
39 Microlife review
40 Digestion word find
41 Digestion summary
42 Guts
43 Body balance
44 Immunity
Chemical Science
1 Particle puzzle
2 Elements revision
3 Atom revision
4 Metal compounds
5 Ion names and charges
6 Ions and formula revision
7 Equations introduced
8 Equations balanced
9 Definitions
10 Classify
11 Sophie’s salt
12 Making crystals
13 Temperature experiment
14 Size and area
15 Experiment plan
16 Collision theory
17 Lost?
18 Meet the metals
19 Metal or non-metal?
20 Reactivity of metals
21 Metal properties
22 Word equations
23 Rust never sleeps
24 Salt and rust
25 Making electricity
26 Mining
27 Coltan
28 Metal crossword
29 Team carbon
30 Plastics
31 Carbohydrates and lipids
32 Detergents and soaps
33 Drugs
34 Periodic table
Physical Science
1 Introducing calculations
2 More speed
3 Distance–time graphs
4 Suzy’s dog
5 Acceleration
6 Speed–time graphs
7 Ticker tape
8 Push and pull
9 Force pairs
10 Force diagrams
11 Weight, force, friction
12 Levers
13 Balanced, unbalanced
14 It’s the law
15 Power
16 Missile experiment
17 Conductor or not?
18 Static electricity
19 Circuit symbols
20 Circuit basics
21 Electron exercise
22 Circuit design A
23 Circuit design B
24 Current in series and parallel
25 Current and voltage
26 Volts revision
27 Measurement units
28 Power and money
29 Magnetic fields
30 Making magnets
31 Electromagnets
32 Relay switches
33 Motors and generators
34 Generation technology
Earth Technology
1 Underneath the surface
2 Evidence, proof, prediction
3 NASA photograph
4 Zealandia
5 Rock types
6 Rock photos
7 Rock cycle
8 Measuring density
9 Volcanoes
10 Earthquake
11 Ice and water
12 Running water
13 Layers of history
14 Recycled water
15 Tech word review
16 Timeline
1 Galaxy distances
2 Finding South
3 Cassini
4 Star life and death
5 Space summary
6 Astronomy crossword
7 Kepler mission
Periodic table of the elements