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Tapis Volant 1 4th Edition Student Book - 9780170393720

Tapis Volant 1 4th Edition Student Book

Alan Chamberlain, Jane Zemiro


ISBN-13: 9780170393720
Published: 11/05/2017
Available Stock: 7203


Tapis Volant 1 Student Book is part of the market-leading French series and has been fully revised for a fourth edition. The student book has a strong emphasis on cultural and intercultural learning and the straightforward communicative methodology, adaptable to any type of classroom.

The student book features a range of linguistic and intercultural activities for classroom use, as well as end-of-unit glossaries recapping key vocabulary. Throughout the text, lessons are taught in-context, with grammar and vocabulary based on cultural content presented in each unit. At the end of every two units, Mise au Point sections provide a summary of the communicative outcomes, grammar and culture taught.

NelsonNet resources available*
Teacher Resources:
• Includes all student resources
• Curriculum grids
• Chapter PDFs
• Grammar PowerPoints
• Workbook solutions (PDFs)

Student Resources:
• Videos
• Worksheets
• Student book audio
• Interactives
• Quizzes

*Complimentary access to NelsonNet is available to teachers who use the accompanying student book as a core resource in their classroom. Contact your local education consultant for access codes and conditions.

Unité 1 Bienvenue en France !
Unité 2 C'est beau, Paris
Vol de découverte 1 – Le Français dans le monde
Unité 3 Ça, c'est ma famille
Unité 4 Au parc zoologique
Unité 5 Bon appétit !
Unité 6 C'est la fête !
Vol de découverte 2 – Les régions de France
Unité 7 En classe, on travaille
Unité 8 Mes journées sont bien remplies
Unité 9 Comment sont-ils ?
Unité 10 Vous désirez, mesdemoiselles ?
Vol de découverte 3 – La France et l’Australie : une comparaison
Unité 11 Bonjour, Toulouse
Unité 12 Les grandes vacances !

Packs with this item

Tapis Volant 1 Student Book and Workbook Pack

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