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The Three Pigs Build a House - 9780170333962

The Three Pigs Build a House


ISBN-13: 9780170333962
Published: 22/07/2024
Available Stock: 363


Petula, Paddy and Piper Pig need a bigger place to live, so they build their own house. But their very first visitor is Mr Wolf! Will their new home be able to survive his fierce huffing and puffing?

About NovaStar

NovaStar supports the explicit instruction of language comprehension, integrating background knowledge, vocabulary and comprehension strategies.

NovaStar can be used across year levels, with 60 titles best suited for a primary reader aged between 8 and 10 years, and 60 titles best suited for a primary reader aged between 10 and 12 years.

  • Suited for years 3 – 6
  • Includes knowledge-rich non-fiction texts
  • Builds fluency, vocabulary and higher order comprehension skills
  • Contains explicit teaching strategies and activities

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