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Physics 2 NCEA Level 2 Teacher Resource CD

By | Copyright Year:2014 | ISBN-13: 9780170196000

The Teacher Resource is an essential resource to support the teaching of Level 2 Physics.
Answers are overlaid on the actual pages of the Physics NCEA 2 Workbook, encouraging easy marking in the classroom. Multiple display platforms are possible, including data projector, electronic whiteboard, print and intranet.


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By | ISBN-13: 9780170195997
This workbook has been designed to meet the needs of students entering upon a course of study in Physics at NCEA Level 2. This book contains the fundamental notes necessary to study Physics at Level 2; worked answers to help students gain a better understanding of how to solve physics problems; and NCEA style questions to develop application, and prepare students to attempt NCEA exam questions. This book is supported by the textbook Physics 12 and an accompanying Teacher Resource CD-ROM.
$29.05 Available
By | ISBN-13: 9780170195980
Through diagrams and discussions Physics NCEA Level 2 explores the startling discoveries of the past and reveals how they apply to the wonders of the present day world around us. Worked examples guide students through the styles, techniques and application of concepts and formula, and question banks help to develop students’ ability to describe and explain observed events using scientific language.
$57.23 Available