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Science Workbook 1 - 9780170214650
160 Pages

Science Workbook 1

By | Copyright Year:2012 | ISBN-13: 9780170214650

Science Workbook 1 is designed for New Zealand students in Year 9. It is based on the 2010 Science Curriculum and supports all the science strands, including ‘The Nature of Science’ strand which is integrated into many tasks and activities.

It is packed with remembering, understanding, applying, judging and imagining activities ranging from easy to difficult. Some tasks may take less than 10 minutes, others more than 20 minutes. Some harder and open ended tasks are designated 'Challenge". Workbook 1 contains 136 tasks.

Science Workbook 1 can be used as a classroom resource but also works well as a stand-alone homework book, helping teachers to quickly and effectively set useful homework. However it is best teamed with the SciencePLUS textbook.


1 Safety first
2 Getting into gear
3 Curious?
4 Evidence, prediction, proof
5 Using a Bunsen burner
6 Experiment words
7 Hypo what?
8 Microscope skills
9 Microscope sizes
10 Measuring and graphing
11 Reading scales
12 Research guide

Life Science
1 Plant and animal cells
2 Cell differences
3 Cell sizes
4 Organ, tissue, system
5 Before birth
6 Boy or girl?
7 Twins and triplets
9 How many animals?
10 Sorting them out
11 Adapted
12 Kinds of adaptation
13 Design your animal
14 Mammals
15 Lungs
16 Gas exchange
17 Lungs and blood
18 Heart
19 Heart transplants
20 Joints and muscles
21 Muscle action
22 Vision
23 Blind spot
24 Body talk
25 Reaction time
26 Plant structure
27 Growth experiment
28 Flower parts
29 Plant reproduction
30 Pollination
31 Seed spread
32 Life cycles
33 Sex and non-sex
34 Photosynthesis experiments
35 Leaf details
36 Light experiment
37 Experiment design
38 Water movement
39 Plant sentences
40 Plant summary

Chemical Science
1 States and particles
2 State summary
3 Melting and boiling
4 How do we know?
5 Particle theory
6 Hidden heat
7 Number puzzle
8 Exothermic, endothermic
9 Solutions and crystals
10 Elements crossword
11 Facts on the table
12 Alphabet elements
13 Elements, compounds, molecules
14 Mixture or compound?
15 Naming compounds
16 Formula to name
17 Name to formula
18 Chemical or physical?
19 Introducing chemical reactions
20 Separation methods
21 Kitchen clean-up
22 Lab separation
23 Inside the atom
24 Electrons
25 What’s in the air?
26 Hydrogen
27 Oxygen
28 Carbon dioxide
29 Chemical round-up
30 Nitrogen
31 Combustion
32 Explosives
33 Fuels and the future

Physical Science
1 Physical units
2 Marie Curie
3 Energy changes
4 Forms of energy
5 Gravitational potential energy
6 Energy efficiency
7 Heat from fuel
8 Heat and temperature
9 Heat gain and loss
10 Hot soup
11 Wordfinder
12 Key words
13 Making and using electricity
14 Energy collection
15 Kohiwai Point
16 E-M radiation
17 Emit or reflect?
18 Reflected rays
19 Inverted images
20 Lens types
21 Light revision
22 Colour
23 Why is the sky blue?
24 Eyes and cameras
25 Lasers
26 What is sound?
27 Human ear
28 Cochlea implants
29 Decibels
30 Music

Earth Science
1 Geosphere
2 Atmosphere
3 Hydro, geo, astro, bio
4 Spheres interacting
5 Scaled down
6 Humidity
7 Wind direction
8 Rainfall patterns
9 Places map
10 Weather map
11 Temperature patterns
12 El Niño
13 Greenhouse effect

1 Day and night
2 Seasons
3 Tides
4 Moon time
5 Comets, meteorites, asteroids
6 Solar system crossword
7 Word match-up
8 Solar system statistics

Periodic table of the elements


Available Stock483
By | ISBN-13: 9780170214667
Science Workbook 2 is designed for New Zealand students in Year 10. It is based on the 2010 Science Curriculum and supports all the science strands, including ‘The Nature of Science’ strand which is integrated into many tasks and activities. It is packed with remembering, understanding, applying, judging and imagining activities ranging from easy to difficult. Some tasks may take less than 10 minutes, others more than 20 minutes. Some harder and open-ended tasks are designated 'challenge'. Workbook 2 contains 142 tasks. Science Workbook 2 can be used as a classroom resource but also works well as a stand-alone homework book, helping teachers to quickly and effectively set useful homework. However it is best teamed with the SciencePLUS textbook.
$19.95 Available
By | ISBN-13: 9780170221313
This full-colour teacher guide supports Science Workbook 1. The teacher guide includes answers, a CD-ROM and a comprehensive set of ready-to-use worksheets that students can use to guide and record practical work. Science Workbook 1 is designed for New Zealand students in Year 9. It is based on the 2010 Science Curriculum and supports all the science strands, including ‘The Nature of Science’ strand which is integrated into many tasks and activities. The workbook is packed with remembering, understanding, applying, judging and imagining activities ranging from easy to difficult.
$98.14 Available