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Find everything you need for teaching Economics, Business Studies and Accounting at Secondary level in New Zealand
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Enable students to understand business and economic decisions at personal, local, and national levels
Develop key skills to help students identify and investigate key business issues and events
Provide resources for use in classrooms throughout New Zealand, across a range of learning areas
This full colour 5th edition assists students with developing the knowledge and skills they need for assessments. Students will build up their confidence by completing the range of additional review (examination) questions.
Explore the series
Understanding Economics Level One
Learn more
Teacher Resource
These full colour NCEA Level Three resources have been split between Macroeconomics and Microeconomics and will assist students to develop the knowledge and skills required for assessments.
Understanding Economics Level Three
Macroeconomics Workbook
Macroeconomics Teacher Resource
Microeconomics Workbook
Microeconomics Teacher Resource
Workbook Bundle Pack
A workbook for independent study for New Zealand students who are studying Economics for the first time.
NCEA Levels Two and Three workbooks contain activities, research tasks, NCEA-style questions, New Zealand case studies and key notes to help students demonstrate understanding of the key aspects for business.
NCEA Level 2
NCEA Level 3
Encourage future business leaders and entrepreneurs by using engaging business case studies to demonstrate the very best of New Zealand enterprise and initiative.
NCEA Accounting - A Beginning: Level 1 Year 11 has been specifically designed to meet the requirements of the 2011 Level 1 Achievement Standards in accounting.
NCEA Accounting - A Beginning Level One
Community Organisations Workbook
NCEA Accounting a Next Step Level Two is a series of textbooks/workbooks that have been specifically designed to meet the requirements of the revised 2012 Level 2 Achievement Standards in accounting.
NCEA Accounting - A Next Step Level Two
Accounts Receivable
Accounting Concepts
Financial Reporting
Analysis and Interpretation
The Senior Accounting Series is a range of textbook/workbooks with extensive course notes that has been designed for senior secondary courses and introductory courses at tertiary level.
NCEA Accounting - Senior Series
Decision Making
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