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Find everything you need for teaching Geography at Secondary level in New Zealand
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Differentiated content and examples enable students to comprehensively study NCEA Geography
Provide students with multiple pathways to explore and develop their skills
Provide resources for use in classrooms throughout New Zealand, across a range of learning areas
This series of New Zealand write-on textbooks engage students in programmes of learning that require them to demonstrate an understanding of environments through the selection and application of geographic concepts and skills at NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3.
NCEA Level 1
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NCEA Level 2
NCEA Level 3
This is currently a series of two NCEA Level 3 workbooks. Operation of Tourism Development in a New Zealand Environment examines the interactions between people and places in the Rotorua tourism industry. Interacting Natural Processes in a Coastal Environment includes a description of the Muriwai coastal environment, changes over time and spatial variation.
Interacting Natural Processes in a Coastal Environment
Operation of Tourism Development in a New Zealand Environment
This book was written to prepare New Zealand Level 2 Geography students for AS91240 (Demonstrate geographic understanding of a large natural environment). It includes two alternative studies: The Taupo Volcanic Zone and The South Island High Country.
Our World: Geography Concepts and Case Studies for New Zealand Students helps students studying for NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3 to understand geography concepts, and also has relevance to those studying Cambridge or IB geography programmes.
The Geography on the Edge series focuses on the world of geography from within New Zealand, as well as overseas settings across the globe.
Geography on the Edge for NCEA Level 1
Geography on the Edge for NCEA Level 2
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