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Find everything you need for teaching Social Studies at Secondary level in New Zealand
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Differentiated content and examples comprehensively cover Social Studies for lower Secondary students
Provide students with multiple pathways to explore and develop their skills
Provide resources for use in classrooms throughout New Zealand, across a range of learning areas
Addressing the theme of Tino Rangatiratanga me Te Kāwanatanga/Government and Organisation in the Aotearoa/NZ histories curriculum. With National and local settings this book looks at how wars, laws and policies impact generally on all Aotearoa and local history.
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Give students the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions by studying how the New Zealand system of government works.
In the midst of doom and gloom about environmental problems, it is easy to overlook the good news – that more and more individuals, groups and governments are working to help the environment fight back. This book is about some of those efforts which give cause for hope.
With topical content written from a New Zealand perspective/context, Human Cargo examines human migration – past, present and future. It looks at population, mobility, migrations and refugees. Each unit is stand-alone with skill-based activities designed to be accessible to all ability groups.
Diversity examines how and why Aotearoa New Zealand had become a fusion of indigenous, settler and immigration populations. It looks at how increasing cultural diversity has contributed to how we see the world and our place in it and the cultural identity of others.
Our Economy is about New Zealand's economic world, the impact of economic decisions, rights and responsibilities, resource management, growth, sustainability, enterprise and innovation.
The concept of human rights is integral to the New Zealand curriculum. It is intrinsic in all its values key competencies, principles and learning areas. This book is accessible to all ability levels and encourages further research on student-orientated topics.
This revised edition of the History Toolkit For History Skills in the Social Sciences features 65 units which demystify terminology and introduce or re-introduce students to terms. Each of the 65 units is a stand-alone unit, but all link together to provide a tool kit of essential knowledge and skills.
This revised edition of My Skills Books is now full colour, and includes updated resources and covers new skills.
Treaty of Waitangi Skills focuses on the past, present and future aspects of the Treaty but from a Skills perspective.
These cost-effective, innovative, full colour Social Studies workbooks are designed to be used for homework, revision or class-work in New Zealand Social Studies classes.
Book 1
Book 2
Sustainability looks at what sustainability is and what it involves, and how it can help our planet.
Literacy edition
A study of the Treaty of Waitangi and the issues that have arisen out of it.
Te Ao O Te Maori looks at the first New Zealanders who cam in canoes from an ancestral home somewhere in the Pacific called Hawaiki.
The Tauiwi looks at the later waves of immigrants who came to settle in New Zealand in the 19th and 20th centuries.
They Fought For Us is a series of three books which chart New Zealand’s and New Zealander’s involvement in three major campaigns during World Wars 1 and 2.
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