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Find everything you need for teaching History at Secondary level in New Zealand
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Differentiated content and examples enable students to comprehensively study NCEA History in New Zealand
Provide students with multiple pathways to explore and develop their skills
Provide resources for use in classrooms throughout New Zealand, across a range of learning areas
Expanding World, New Country: 19th Century New Zealand From 3000BC To Today focuses on the 19th century (up to WW1) during which New Zealand changed from a wholly Maori country to one dominated by Pakeha in terms of number, culture and political power.
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Big World, Small Country: The 20th Century And New Zealand's Place In It is a richly illustrated textbook, aimed at NCEA Levels 1 and 2, that focuses on major political, military, economic and social events of the 20th Century. It emphasises events which New Zealanders were involved in or due to their global significance, had an impact on New Zealand.
The first Pacific History textbook written for New Zealand schools. Each context includes contested events that have impacted on indigenous people and groups in the Pacific. These events and issues will stimulate inquiry and enable students to achieve a comprehensive understanding.
Build on your students History Skills with these two workbooks that allow teachers to 'pick and choose' what areas are most relevant to their classes. History Skills for NCEA Level 1 helps students to develop the same set of skills and tools used by historians to make sense of the past.
NCEA Level 1
Senior NCEA
This revised edition of the History Toolkit For History Skills in the Social Sciences features 65 units which demystify terminology and introduce or re-introduce students to terms. Each of the 65 units is a stand-alone unit, but all link together to provide a tool kit of essential knowledge and skills.
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